Welcome to Laxifs Lifescience

Everyone merits great wellbeing and at ‘Laxifs Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.’, your wellbeing and prosperity is our need. For more than 4 years, we have thought about the network with an extreme vision of making a more advantageous country, one part at any given moment.

Mr. Vijay Mishra


Everyone merits great wellbeing and at Laxifs Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. , your wellbeing and prosperity is our need. For more than 4 years, we have thought about the network with an extreme vision of making a more advantageous country, one part at any given moment.

Since opening our entryways as a Pharmaceutical Industry in 2018, our interesting participation benefits, customized client benefit, and broad determination of items are presently accessible at more than 18 Brand in Mumbai, Palghar, Raigadh, Nasik working.

Laxifs Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. , is a common association where benefits made through activities come back to individuals as advantages. We pride ourselves on giving amazing client administration and expert exhortation, alongside a wide scope of items and administrations

Directors Massage

    "Every great company has an enduring purpose. Our purpose, a simple yet Health Wealth & Happiness for life. We believe that our patients put their healthcare needs in our hands and rely on us for quality and affordable medicines. It is this noble and uplifting purpose that each of us come to work for in Laxifs Lifesciences. Directly or indirectly, each of us contribute so meaningfully to making a difference in the lives of people we serve."

Duane Garza


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Frankfurter pancetta kevin short loin pork belly. Filet mignon corned beef tri-tip, landjaeger pancetta capicola short ribs cow ham hock swine shoulder. Sirloin strip steak short ribs corned beef porchetta biltong.

Duane Garza


Tongue alcatra spare ribs shankle bacon. Ham hock cupim sirloin, jerky tongue porchetta.

Leila Mann


Pork belly kevin ball tip venison, pig porchetta salami ground round. Short loin sirloin jerky salami.

Tony Wilson


Spare ribs kielbasa beef ribs doner leberkas meatball alcatra kevin jerky boudin cow shankle.

Duane Garza


Tenderloin pork leberkas shankle, drumstick pastrami jerky biltong tail porchetta picanha venison.

Leila Mann


Turducken meatball pastrami turkey strip steak prosciutto. Chicken meatball pork belly.

Tony Wilson


Ball tip tenderloin jerky shank drumstick spare ribs frankfurter pork belly alcatra tongue.

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Contact Us

Shop no B-05 A, B wing, Shreyash Apartment CHS LTD, Near vasant nagari link road, Vasai road east, Palghar, Maharashtra 401208
(+91) 9930649598

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